Türkiye'deki Matematiksel Etkinlikler
15 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba, 14:00 ![]() İstanbul Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü Seminerleri
Ahmet Berkay Kebeci A period is a number that can be expressed as an integral of a rational function with rational coefficients over an algebraic domain. Polylogarithms, a class of periods, hold particular interest for us. The theory of periods is related to the (partly conjectural) theory of motives. The category of motives is a Tannakian category proposed by Grothendieck to offer a universal framework for Weil cohomology theories. In this talk, we will consider motives in the sense of Nori. Beilinson conjectured that the Hopf algebra R of mixed Tate motives is isomorphic to the bi-algebra A of Aomoto polylogarithms. Our aim is to reconstruct A using limits of Nori motives coming from some special configurations. This allows us to write a morphism from A to R and gives a new approach to Beilinson's conjecture. NOT: Katılım Linki: https://istanbul-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/94849057688 Matematik Türkçe Zoom iu 15.05.2024 |
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Özkan Değer ozkandeger@gmail.com
31. Journees Arithmetiques Konferansı Organizasyon Komitesi
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