Türkiye'deki Matematiksel Etkinlikler
26 Haziran 2015 Cuma, 17:00 İstanbul Analiz SeminerleriOn transfinite diameter in Cn and on algebraic manifolds Vyacheslav P. Zakharyuta
So-called directional Chebyshev constants for a given compactum K⊂Cn
were introduced by Z. in Math Sbornik USSR (1975) as limits of the least
deviations of monic polynomials with leading exponents taken along subsequences in the lattice Zn+. It was established the principal Chebyshev constant, defined as a continual geometric average of directional ones and proved
that the transÂ…finite diameter Fekete-Leja d(K) coincides with τ(K), which
can be considered as a multivariate version of the classical result of Fekete
(1923). My goal is to treat these results in the light of the recent results
from David A. Cox and Sione Ma'u’s manuscript Transfinite diameter on
complex algebraic varieties, (arXiv:1410.6962v1 [math.AG] 25 Oct 2014),
based essentially on methods developed in my paper (1975) and methods
from the computational algebraic geometry, as well. Another approach to
the transfinite diameter and Chebyshev constants on algebraic varieties will
be discussed, based on Djakov-Mityagin's article The structure of polynomial ideals in the algebra of entire functions,
Studia Math. 68 (1980), no. 1, 87--104, and modified methods from Z. (1975).
Some problems will be suggested.
Analiz İngilizce Sabancı University, Karaköy Communication Center, Bankalar Caddesi 2, Karaköy admin 20.03.2020 |
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